Saturday, May 11, 2024

Northern Lights : How to see them in UK 2024


Northern lights, captured in University of Surrey, UK

The UK was recently treated to a rare sight: the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, dancing across its night sky. This phenomenon was caused by a powerful solar storm that hit Earth on May 10, 2024. This level was solar storm has not been seen since 2005.

Here's a breakdown of what happened and how you might catch a glimpse of the aurora if it continues:
Northern Lights, Captured in Guildford, UK

A Solar Storm Lights Up the Night

An artistic representation of a solar storm. The plasma can be seen launching 
from the surface of Sun

A series of eruptions on the Sun's surface unleashed a stream of charged particles hurtling towards Earth at an incredible speed of 900 km/s (over twice the usual!). This "solar wind" collided with Earth's magnetic field, triggering a strong geomagnetic storm and causing the aurora to be visible at lower latitudes than normal, including parts of the UK.

The captivating colors of the Aurora Borealis aren't a random display! They depend on two key factors: the type of gas molecule the solar wind interacts with and the altitude of the collision within the atmosphere.

Green Aurora (most common): High-altitude collisions (over 150 miles up) between energetic particles and atomic oxygen create the mesmerizing greenish-yellow glow.

Red Aurora (less common): Collisions with atomic oxygen at lower altitudes (up to 150 miles) cause the red hues, but these auroras are generally fainter than green ones.

Blue & Purple Aurora (rarest): Excited molecular nitrogen, requiring more energy than oxygen atoms, creates these vibrant colors. They're most likely seen during strong solar storms due to the increased energy at lower altitudes (around 60 miles).

Best Places to See the Aurora (if it reappears)
                                    Image of Aurora Borealis in Scotland

While the initial sightings occurred on Friday night (May 10th) and continued into Saturday morning (May 11th), there's a chance the aurora might reappear over the next few days:
Prime Locations: Scotland and northern England are predicted to have the best viewing opportunities due to their northerly position.
Beyond the North: The geomagnetic storm might be strong enough for the aurora to be visible across the entire UK, with some luck!

Maximising your chances of seeing the Northern Lights

Here are some tips for maximizing your chances of witnessing the aurora:

Seek Darkness: Light pollution significantly hinders visibility. Look for areas far from city lights, ideally in the countryside.
Clear Skies are Key: Clouds will block your view of the aurora. Check weather forecasts for clear skies, especially towards the north.
Patience is a Virtue: The aurora is unpredictable. Be prepared to wait for extended periods and enjoy the clear night sky while you do.
Timing Your Aurora Chase

The recent solar storm's effects are expected to last several days. Here's a timeline to help you plan your aurora viewing:
Friday Night (May 10th): The initial sightings of the aurora occurred.
Saturday Night (May 11th): There's a possibility of further sightings, particularly in the north.
Next Week: Experts suggest the peak auroral activity might occur on Monday or Thursday of the following week.

A Word on Technology and Safety

While the solar storm might affect technology in space and on Earth, the Met Office does not anticipate any disruptions to UK infrastructure. Space weather is constantly monitored, and actions are taken when necessary to mitigate risks.
Embrace the Wonder!

The recent solar storm and the resulting aurora sightings were a spectacular reminder of the dynamic forces at play in our solar system. With a little preparation and a dash of luck, you too might witness this celestial phenomenon if the aurora returns in the coming days!

Saturday, March 16, 2024


Imagine a cosmic light source so powerful it could bathe the entire observable universe in its glow, its brilliance reaching us after billions of years of travel through the inky blackness of space. Believe it or not, astronomers haven't just dreamed this up – they've actually found it! This celestial object is a quasar named J0529-4351, boasting a luminosity that's a mind-boggling 500 trillion times greater than our very own Sun!

                                                            Source : NASA Images

Cracking the Quasar Code

Quasars, short for quasi-stellar objects, are the energetic powerhouses at the cores of distant galaxies (see Fig.1). These powerhouses are fueled by supermassive black holes, millions to billions of times more massive than our Sun. As these gravitational giants eat up surrounding gas and dust, a swirling disk of superheated material forms around them. The intense friction within this disk releases tremendous amounts of energy across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, making quasars some of the brightest objects in the cosmos.

J0529-4351: A Feeding Frenzy on a Cosmic Scale

The newly discovered J0529-4351 exemplifies this phenomenon on a scale unlike anything ever witnessed before. Situated 12 billion light-years away (remember, a light-year is a whopping 5.8 trillion miles!), the light we see from J0529-4351 has been traveling for an incomprehensible amount of time before reaching our telescopes.

The Black Hole Behind the Brilliance

The secret behind J0529-4351's extraordinary light show lies in its central supermassive black hole. According to a study published in the prestigious journal Nature Astronomy, this black hole devours a sun's worth of material every single day! This phenomenal rate of growth fuels the quasar's immense light output, making it the fastest-growing black hole ever observed.

A Hidden Colossus Emerges

Source :

The discovery of J0529-4351 is particularly intriguing because it remained undetected for so long. It was first spotted back in 1980 by the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) during a sky survey, but it was mistakenly classified as just another star ! It wasn't until recent observations led by an Australian National University team using a 2.3-meter telescope and subsequent confirmation by ESO's VLT that J0529-4351's true nature as a quasar was revealed
. This hidden giant, despite being one of the brightest objects in the sky, managed to evade our detection for decades!

A Cosmic Time Capsule

Studying quasars is like peering back in time. Since their light takes billions of years to reach Earth, these objects offer a glimpse into the early universe, a time when galaxies were just starting to take shape. J0529-4351 acts as a unique time capsule, allowing us to witness the processes that led to the birth and evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies.

Pushing the Boundaries of Knowledge

This record-breaking quasar presents a fascinating puzzle for astronomers. Its extreme luminosity and environment push the very limits of our current understanding of black hole physics and galaxy formation. Studying J0529-4351 might unlock secrets about these extreme environments, leading to breakthroughs in our comprehension of the universe's most powerful objects.

The discovery of J0529-4351 serves as a reminder of the universe's hidden wonders and our ongoing quest to unravel its mysteries. With advancements in technology and our insatiable curiosity, who knows what other incredible cosmic behemoths await to be unearthed in the vast expanse of space? This discovery is a stepping stone on the path to a deeper understanding of the universe's grand story.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Living In International Space Station

How do astronauts live in this Space-House?
Is there any difference in the day to day activities they perform ?
What do they eat? Can they eat Pizza ?
How do they sleep?


The ISS or International Space Station is the third brightest object in the night sky and clearly visible when there’s no cloud cover. It moves much faster than anything else you are likely to see up there, too. While a typical aeroplane travels at around 965 km/h, the ISS moves at 28,000 km/h. Unlike a plane, there are no flashing lights on the ISS and it travels in a perfectly straight line. A cool thing about ISS that makes it different from Earth is that gravity over there is approximately 0. 

How is Gravity Almost 0 on the ISS ?

Figure 1: The path of the ball being thrown changes with increasing the initial speed.

Let's consider a thought experiment- Let's suppose you are throwing a ball on the surface of Earth. It will take path like path A mentioned in the figure 1, and afterwards, will fall on ground due to gravity. If you can keep a ball throwing hard enough, it will take more and more curved paths until eventually the it will start to orbit the planet ( path C,D). What's happening now ? The ball is still constantly falling towards the ground but is also moving side wards fast enough to miss it. Thus, ball or similarly ISS is in orbit around the earth.

Now, let's consider another experiment - Take a rock and a feather, hold them at a height and note the time each of them takes to hit the ground. As also common sense will suggest, Rock will hit the ground first, thus it falls faster. Now take a vacuum chamber and then repeat the same experiment. Now, you will notice that despite of the mass difference between them, both the rock and feather hit the ground at the same time. It was resistance due to air that was slowing down feather in initial setup! 
Damn! What you just did is the experimentation of one of the central laws of classical physics given by legend Galileo - All Objects of different masses fall at the same speed . Thus, both the space station and the astronauts are in falling or as we discussed above are in 'free fall together', which creates the notion of weightlessness. This weightlessness is essentially responsible for making the life of space station different from Earth.

Even the most basic activities like eating, sleeping, writing and even pooping are affected by it. How ? Let's have a look at them one by one -

1. Writing in Space

 Writing isn't as simple as it looks. Whenever you write something using your pen, it's the force of gravity that is responsible for pushing the ink downwards.( Sounds unbelievable ? Give it a try yourself by writing with tip of pen upwards ;) ) In ISS, there is essentially no gravity so normal pens don't work there, thus initially Astronauts used Pencils to write. But using pencils is kind of unsafe as tips can easily break and drift freely in ISS threatening other sensitive equipments. Moreover, pencils are also flammable, a quality that NASA wanted to avoid after Apollo 1 disaster. 

Figure 2: Fisher's Space Pen

Writing Sounds like a problem now, but not to Paul Fisher, a private investor who reportedly spent 1 million dollars all by himself to create a 'Space Pen' all by his funding. This pen can write in essentially 0 gravity, in extreme temperature limits( -50 to 400 ° F) and even underwater. Instead of gravity the cartridge of this pen is pressurised with Nitrogen at 35 pounds per square inch. The ink also stays gel-like until movement of ball point pen turns it into fluid. In February 1968, these pens were first ordered by NASA ( at $2.39 per pen) and since then astronauts are using this Anti-Gravity pen for writing. Fun fact : According to the Fisher Space Pen Company, the Apollo 11 astronauts also used the pen to fix a broken arming switch, enabling their return to Earth. 

 2. Eating in Space

Figure 3 : Space Food

Eating is less trickier than writing. Swallowing and digestion are possible in space. Free-floating droplets of water can be problematic as they could find their way into sensitive equipment. The same is true of small particles too, and that has implications for eating in space. Food for Astronauts is prepared at Space Food Systems Laboratory at Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas. Earlier, Astronauts used to consume food from tubes and in form of dry cubes. Now, the variety and quality has increased as astronauts get to select the meals they like. Currently the variety of food ranges from a fruit salad to spaghetti, from Chinese to Swedish. The lab creates food ensuring peak health and performance for the astronauts. 

Pizza Party in Space

The procedure of preparation involves a 'freeze - drying process'. The food is first frozen to -40° F. Then it is put into vacuum chamber and heated so that water content of the food sublimates. This process is repeated multiple times to remove almost all the water content. Exposing cans or pouches to extreme heat and temperature, by a process called thermostablisation (heat treatment) is also applied to make the shelf life of food longer. All these processes aim to prevent the bacteria from multiplying and spoiling the food along with drastically reducing the weight of food, allowing a lighter payload. Space food normally comes in plastic packaging or cans. Tapes, magnets are also used to attach items to surface. Eating liquid is easy as it remains attached to the surface (due to surface tension ). Water used for re-hydration of food is available in pouches.

After eating, they use disinfectant wipes or apply some soap and water solution which is wiped out using a towel.  

3. Defecating in Space

 On earth, the force of gravity pushes the waste away from the body which is not the case in space and that is what exactly makes using bathroom in space a tricky business. Any loose drops or dribbles can float around. Thus, the toilets today rely on suction techniques. 

Figure 4: Space Toilet

The space is known as bathroom and hygiene compartment. For peeing, astronauts use a funnel ( yellow coloured in Fig 3) attached to a hose that uses a fan to pull the urine into a tank. Urine is normally recycled to be used again. Today's pee is tomorrow's coffee. 

For defecating, there is a toilet which consists of a seat and a container below it which holds about 30 deposits. Astronauts poop by sitting on toilet that relies on the same fan to pull their business. The seat is about 5-6 inches in diameter and there is a plastic bag there where the deposit goes. When done, they seal the bag, push it down the container and install a new one. The solid waste is finally sent back to earth where it burns in atmosphere.
Figure 5 : NASA's New Space Toilet 
Credit :

However, in the view of the new Artemis 2 mission, which will go to the moon, NASA wanted a new toilet which is more compact and efficient. For this, a brand new space toilet - Universal Water Management System has been built and recently sent to space station for testing. This has been installed next to the adjacent one.

This new space toilet that is more energy efficient, roughly 65 percent smaller and 40 percent lighter than the ones currently in use. In many ways, the new toilet essentially works the same way as its predecessors. It also deals well with 'dual ops' as it allows astronauts to poop and pee at the same time by having urine funnel next to the seat. It also features a 3D-printed titanium dual fan separator, that creates a strong air flow which helps to pull the astronauts’ urine and waste into the toilet. It also has a built-in system that pre-treats urine before it's passed off to the station’s life-support system. Urine can occasionally contain solid material that gets stuck inside the toilet, to mitigate that, there is a highly acidic solution to break down any deposits that might be in the urine. 

4. Sleeping in Space 

Figure 6: Sleeping in space

Astronauts in ISS get 16 sunrises and sunsets in a day, so to schedule the time of sleeping they use cues from the Earth. Sleeping is important as it regulates proper body functioning. For sleeping, astronauts are allotted crew quarters. They are about the size of refrigerator and unlike the space station, it is quite there. Switches regulate the mode of light ( dim, bright, off ) in quarters. For sleeping, there is a sleeping bag in which they sleeping just standing on with the help of chords attached to the bag which keep astronauts attached to the wall, so that they do not break the instruments, or be affected by sir currents on ISS in general. 

This was a mini tour of some of the most basic activities on ISS. Clearly, living in ISS is dominated by the weightlessness. In addition to the complex science experiments that take place there, simple human like activities on ISS also feature high technological requirements and advancements. "Ideally, the ISS program is an incremental step on an expanding, incredible journal of exploration and understanding, taking us higher and farther"

Fun fact

Uber Eats makes its first food delivery to space in December 2021

The delivery to the ISS included boiled mackerel in miso and simmered chicken with bamboo shoots. 

And and, if interested 

You can also order Space food from here :

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Stellar Structure And Evolution: Part 2: Basic Assumptions and Accuracy of Assumptions

In the previous blog I explained why do we need a theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution when we can get information about stars by just observing them. In this blog I will cover-

1. The basic assumptions of theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution

2. Accuracy of Assumptions of theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution

To understand above mentioned aims more clearly, let's first understand( answer these questions - that I generally don't see many writers stress about:

What are the assumptions for a theory ?

Assumptions are basically the foundation stones for a theory. These are taken as the postulates that are generally assumed to be true throughout the explanation.


Now, What is the need for assumptions to a theory?

-First of all, because they are reasonable - they offer observational or at least mathematical verification.

-- Secondly, Making assumptions simplify our work in terms of crucial/critical understanding and mathematics.

- Lastly, although it is harsh but true: We only have limited information about things. Thus, as long as these are not true in general, we choose not to include them (esp while teaching) instead of including it with ad-hoc suppositions that lack any observational verification.

Now that we know what are assumptions and why do we need them for building a theory let's see what are the basic assumptions for the theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution

1. Stars are isolated in space - This is a fairly reasonable assumption for most of the single stars in galaxies as this condition is satisfied to a high degree - compare the distance of sun to its nearest star Proxima Centauri. We are ignoring binary stars and stars in dense clusters.

2.Stars are formed with a homogeneous composition- it is again reasonable as the clouds from which stars are formed are well - mixed.

3.Stars have no magnetic field - This is fully reasonable as for most of the stars magnetism plays a notable role only in phenomena related to surface of stars but in overall life cycle they don't play any significant role.

Stellar evolution is fully determined by internal physical processes which take deep inside the star near it's core.

4. Stars are rotating slowly- This one is a lot harder to justify as most of the stars rotate at a considerable fraction of their critical velocity(*1). Since we do not have a theory that shows how Stellar interior rotates at the birth of the star and making this assumption causes a huge mathematical simplification we are going to hold it.

5. Stars are in mechanical equilibrium(*2) : Majority of stars are in such long lived phases of their evolution that no structural changes are observed for them for most period of times. This implies that there is no noticeable acceleration and all the forces balance each other perfectly.

For an isolated, slowly rotating, homogeneous composition star with no magnetic field these forces are gravity and pressure. Thus, all the stars are in hydrostatic equilibrium.

All of the above mentioned assumptions can be tested just by testing for accuracy of hydrostatic and spherical symmetry assumptions.

Accuracy of Hydrostatic Assumption -

Let's first understand the equation of Hydrostatic support using simplest Newtonian dynamics

Balance between gravity and pressure is called hydrostatic equilibrium.

For a given time t, let's consider a spherical mass shell with infinitesimal thickness δr at a distance r from the centre. 


Mass of the element δm at this distance is δm= ρ(r)δs δr

ρ(r) = density at radius r

Outward force = pressure exerted by stellar material on lower surface


Inward force on mass element= Pressure exerted by stellar material on upper surface and gravitational attraction of all stellar material lying within r

P(r+δr)δs+ GM(r)δm/r2 = P(r+δr)δs+ GM(r)ρ(r)δs δr/r2

For hydrostatic equilibrium, inward force= outward force

P(r)δs=P(r+δr)δs+ GM(r)ρ(r)δs δr/r2

so, P(r+δr)-P(r)= GM(r)ρ(r)δr/r2

 For infinitesimal element:

P(r+δr)-P(r)/δr = dP(r)/dr

Thus, dP(r)/dr=-GM(r)ρ(r)/r2

which is the equation of Hydrostatic support.

Accuracy of hydrostatic assumption

To answer how valid is that assumption let's consider a situation where inward force and outward force aren't equal which gives rise to acceleration a.

P(r+δr)δs+GM(r)ρ(r)δs δr/r2 -P(r)δs = ρ(r) δs δr a

»dP(r)/dr +GM(r)ρ(r)= ρ(r) a


this is the generalized form of equation of hydrostatic support.

Now consider there is a resultant force on element with the sum being a small fraction of gravitational term(β)

Inward acceleration a = β.g

Spatial displacement from rest after time t = d= 0.5.a.t2 =0.5.β.g.t2

If if allow star to collapse or expand, by setting d=r we obtain


Assuming beta =1 we obtain


This is the dynamical time scale of the star.

Of course each mass shell will be accelerated at different rate so this should be taken as an average value for star to collapse at radius R.

Since average density is we can also write this t to be


For sun we obtain a value of 1600 sec or about half an hour. Thus, any significant departure from hydrostatic equilibrium should lead very quickly to an observable phenomenon (sudden collapse or explosion of the star ) . But age of sun is already

This is much smaller than the age of sun - 10^17 secs - by 14 orders of magnitude. Thus if this assumption have been wrong we would have noticed a significant collapse or explosion of sun much earlier.

This assumption is very much accurate.

Accuracy of spherical symmetry assumption

Let's see if average rotation rate of stars is causing significant departure from spherical symmetry.

Consider a star of mass M and radius R with an element of mass δm near the surface of the star.

star of mass M and radius R with an element of mass δm near the surface rotating at angular speed w

Gravity supplies the extra centripetal force to make the object move around in a circular path.

Thus, for mass δm, centripetal force = gravitational force

There will be a departure from spherical symmetry if there will be any difference between gravitational and centripetal force i.e.

mω2r)/(GMδm/r2) <<1

or ω2<<GM/r3

note RHS of last equation is similar to t

>> ω2<<2/t2 (ω=2π/T) where T =rotation period

 for spherical symmetry to be valid T>>t

for example, for sun t~2000 sec and T~21 month

Thus, for majority of stars, departures from spherical symmetry can be ignored.

With this we complete the basic assumptions of theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution and see that these assumptions are qualified to build a theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution.



*1.Definition of Critical velocity : Stars have a maximum speed at which they can spin. If stars exceed the critical rotation, the outward force caused by their spinning will overcome the inward gravitational force that keeps the star together.

If stars get to that limit, they will begin to fly apart.

*2. Mechanical equilibrium : A state of rest or unaccelerated motion in which sum of all the forces acting on a particle is 0. In case of stars, this state is reached when pressure forces are balanced by gravity. In astronomy, this is called hydrostatic equilibrium.