Thursday, May 28, 2020


In the last blog(*1)we ended up on question - " how antimatter won over matter and we came into existence ?"
Such an interesting question it this blog I would like to discuss it in detail. begins the story 

The universe ☄️continued expanding🎈, photons stayed at the same temperature🌡️ , but now didn't have enough energy ;due  to redshift to create proton - antiproton pair on collision.
This happened with neutron - antineutron, electron - positron ; every particle - anti-particle pair .
The collision 💥between matter and anti- matter was still on , so the no. Of particles decreased🔻 steeply . 

But following this , all the particles and anti-particles would have annihilated each other and nothing except radiation ( dark matter too ) should have been there !!!
But that completely contradicts the reality  !

You , me are made of matter , everything we see around made up of matter.
 But how??
Why don't we atleast see flashes of matter - antimatter  annhilations in the sky?
How we came into existence?
But before discussing about possible solution first , I would like you to convince about its existence.
 So long story short , it's existence was first predicted mathematically by Dirac equation the solution to which predicted the existence of electron with negative energy. Soon after a positron was spotted in Cosmic rays by Carl Anderson and wallah we knew that it exists.
The map of cosmic microwave background radiation is an evidence for this - as it has on an avg. 10^9 times more photons than in any region of space

If you want to know more Physics girl(*2)has a whole video about it -in which she is taking us to a tour of antimatter world 😈

There are some hypothesis about antimatter-
1. Not so popular one - 
Antimatter universe is far far from us - so far away that it isn't in the visible range of our universe anymore (yeah we cannot see the "whole" universe - things ( galaxies ) are reaching beyond our "information zone")

2.I find it boring personally -
anthropic principle is a philosophical consideration that says that we are special 🤷🏻‍♀. Any data we collect about the universe is filtered by the fact that, in order for it to be observable and compatible to existence in the first place. 
So the antimatter just isn't here because it is not compatible with our existence 🤷🏻‍♀

3. The laws of physics were asymmetrical-they ;somehow' preferred matter over antimatter. But we don't know how and why? 

But, what is the correct answer to our existence ?
Well no one's just the laws of physics somehow preferred matter over antimatter.
A big fat Nobel Prize is waiting for the puzzle to be solved !🏆

*1 - Check the blog post  - THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING-BIG BANG(1)
*2 - Physics girl video -

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


If you wish to make an apple🍎 pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe🔯
 - Carl Sagan 

Universe ... this eight letter word has got everything in it me , you ...from the smallest particle to the super massive black hole.
But where did it all came from ❓ What is the origin of everything❓
To answer this question , I would like to take you to a long trip with me to the Beginning of Universe , and after learning that I am sure that you will get a better way to appreciate your existence🌠

Among many Scientific theories and creation myths around the world , one theory is there that is the most widely accepted is "The Big Bang Theory".

Georges Lemaître was the first to notice that the universe could be traced back in time into an originating single point - theory of primeval atom.
Afterwards , the supporters regarding the beginning of universe diverged into supporters of Big Bang and the other rival theory  - the steady state model. A wide range of evidences have supported Big Bang ; now it's the most accepted theory
This theory has two postulates- 
1.The universality of physical laws- Physical laws are same everywhere and 
2. The cosmological principle-  on large scales the universe is homogeneous and isotropic ( same everywhere )

Going back to time is like compressing universe into smaller and smaller , with particles becoming more energetic❈ As long as the things are within our  limits of understanding of particle physics , we can be sure about our understanding of universe.

Helped by the powerful computers , physicists can now explain a great deal about the universe down to the first nanosecond ( 10(^-9) sec). They have some strong guesses down to 10^(-35) secs but they are very sure about the events that happened after 10^(-10) second.


* From 0-10^(-43) secs all the fundamental forces were unified as one - Plank Epoch.
*Width of universe - 10^(-35) meter and temp appx. 10^(32)( I have mentioned fundamental forces here- what the heck is particle physics?)
*Then at 10^(-43) grand unification epoch began where gravitation separated from other forces with expansion of universe. The universe was pure energy at this stage. Too hot🎇 for particles to be created!
*At appx. 10^(-37)secs into expansion , cosmic inflation took place and the universe suddenly expanded( think of like a dough expanding) - into what ? Into itself
Microscopic Qunatum fluctuations were there which were the seeds for formation of large scale structures ( galaxies , clusters , etc) of the universe
*At around 10^(-36) secs , strong nuclear force separates , leaving electromagnetic and weak nuclear force united.
*The universe continued expanding with electromagnetic and weak forces separation at about 10^(-12) secs.

*How was the universe at 10^(-10) secs ? For this , let's talk about the expansion of quark gluon soup and it's radiation-
The universe was a hot ball of gas 🔥 with energy of 1 TeV and temp. 10^(16) Kelvin. Ordinary Matter couldn't exist at this temp. It was in its smallest constituent particles quarks ( check the blog on particle physics ) . The particles were packed so closely together that quarks blended together to form Quark Soup🍲 (hot hot).


There were dark matter particles ( not interacting with quarks anymore) and the universe🌠 was bathing in high energy  radiation (photons) . Collision of 2  photons formed quark and anti-quark (opposite charge as quark ) and vice versa . There was a nice balance between quarks and photons( a photon has 0 charge so it's anti-particle is photon itself )
When particles and anti-particles come together , they annihilate each other 💥 leading to formation of radiation only.
We hear often , that we are made up of particles , never heard that that thing is made up of anti-particles . But when particle and anti- particles have been produced in equal number at the start , how come that we see only particles today ? How we came into existence?
We will get to this question in the next part of the story in the next blog
Keep thinking about the mystery till then ✌🏻
Only 10^(-10) secs have passed  and there is so much happening in the Universe🌠 - take a moment to appreciate your existence  :)

Friday, May 8, 2020


What is the colour of mirror? answer this question let us first look at the concept of colour. Why do objects have colour?
What is colour?
Colour is the property of visible light.
Light is a wave - electromagnetic wave. The colour depends upon  the role play of absorption, reflection and transmission of the waves by the atoms of the object.
When you see an object having red colour - it's looking red because it's absorbing all the colours except the red. So red finally gets into your eyes and we see the colour . Well you can verify this by looking at the objects in different coloured lights 🚥 When you will shine pure yellow light🔦 on a red object , it will look black▪️.
When it comes to colour of mirror , well 🧐
🧠The mirror looks red when you place an 🍎 in front of it ; when you are in front of it , it becomes        'You' coloured -so the mirror takes the colour of object in front of it 🧐
🧠The mirror has a silver coating , and well it might be the case that you see your face because of            reflection from that very reflective , silvery surface 🧐
🧠 Keeping in mind the Physics we have talked about , mirror should be 'White' in colour , because         it reflects all of the light falling on it🧐
But then why I do not see my face in white paper ?😦
Well , all these doubts will get cleared with a little bit of simple Physics.
Well the difference between white sheet of paper and mirror is the way of reflection.
White paper ⬜looks white because the surface isn't super smooth so light gets reflected in all directions - Diffused reflection
Mirror isn't white as paper  because the light falling on it gets reflected in a particular direction - Specular reflection.
 An ideal mirror should be called to have "white" colour - cuz it reflects all the light falling on it , but in a real world that's very far from a real story.
The colour of mirror is GREEN📗
Why so 😦?
When you take a look at the reflection spectrum of common mirror- it peaks up at about 510 nm

Reflection spectrum of common mirror peaks up at GREEN

which corresponds to green colour📗
Why peaks up at green ?
 Well that has to deal with how the light interacts with the mirror. Light falling on mirror , has energy in it and it gets absorbed by the charges present in atoms and molecules making them vibrate.
The force of this vibration is dependent upon two things - the natural frequency at which the molecule wants to vibrate and the frequency at which the incident light is making it vibrate. Thus , when the frequency at which molecule wants to vibrate matches with the frequency of light , resonance takes place ; the wiggling of light is molecule is the most and thus most of that light gets scattered the more. In solids however, it happens in a particular direction due cancellation of waves in other directions.
Yes , there is colour preference.

You can verify this green colour by joining to a jewellery shop 🅹
 I am talking about Mirror tunnel- two mirrors placed parallel to each other giving illusion of infinite images. If you will look closely towards the centre what is left after multiple reflection is a tinge of green colour
So yeah Physics is everywhere.
Be curious to decode the mystery 💫

Virtual tunnels and green glass :The colours of common mirrors
Raymond L. Lee, Jr.
Javier Herna´ndez-Andre´s
The Science Asylum-