Thursday, May 28, 2020


In the last blog(*1)we ended up on question - " how antimatter won over matter and we came into existence ?"
Such an interesting question it this blog I would like to discuss it in detail. begins the story 

The universe ☄️continued expanding🎈, photons stayed at the same temperature🌑️ , but now didn't have enough energy ;due  to redshift to create proton - antiproton pair on collision.
This happened with neutron - antineutron, electron - positron ; every particle - anti-particle pair .
The collision πŸ’₯between matter and anti- matter was still on , so the no. Of particles decreasedπŸ”» steeply . 

But following this , all the particles and anti-particles would have annihilated each other and nothing except radiation ( dark matter too ) should have been there !!!
But that completely contradicts the reality  !

You , me are made of matter , everything we see around made up of matter.
 But how??
Why don't we atleast see flashes of matter - antimatter  annhilations in the sky?
How we came into existence?
But before discussing about possible solution first , I would like you to convince about its existence.
 So long story short , it's existence was first predicted mathematically by Dirac equation the solution to which predicted the existence of electron with negative energy. Soon after a positron was spotted in Cosmic rays by Carl Anderson and wallah we knew that it exists.
The map of cosmic microwave background radiation is an evidence for this - as it has on an avg. 10^9 times more photons than in any region of space

If you want to know more Physics girl(*2)has a whole video about it -in which she is taking us to a tour of antimatter world 😈

There are some hypothesis about antimatter-
1. Not so popular one - 
Antimatter universe is far far from us - so far away that it isn't in the visible range of our universe anymore (yeah we cannot see the "whole" universe - things ( galaxies ) are reaching beyond our "information zone")

2.I find it boring personally -
anthropic principle is a philosophical consideration that says that we are special 🀷🏻‍♀. Any data we collect about the universe is filtered by the fact that, in order for it to be observable and compatible to existence in the first place. 
So the antimatter just isn't here because it is not compatible with our existence 🀷🏻‍♀

3. The laws of physics were asymmetrical-they ;somehow' preferred matter over antimatter. But we don't know how and why? 

But, what is the correct answer to our existence ?
Well no one's just the laws of physics somehow preferred matter over antimatter.
A big fat Nobel Prize is waiting for the puzzle to be solved !πŸ†

*1 - Check the blog post  - THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING-BIG BANG(1)
*2 - Physics girl video -


  1. Nicely done ... I read somewhere that maybe there is this process of proton decay or something that can possibly explain this stuff ... so this is a good place to be at

    1. proton decay is necessary for GUT right

    2. With proton decay we are looking at the Mechanism which violates the conservation of baryon number. Proton decaying into an electron and photon is one. But alone it isn't statistically possible for excess of photons that we observe today , i.e 10^9 photons per unit proton.

  2. Superb, good job... Keep sharing these information 😊😊 well done 😘

  3. ������ well done ��keep it up

  4. Superb, good job... Keep sharing these information 😊😊 well done 😘

  5. we are made of tiny chunk that was left over after big bang!! that very thought amazes me so much!!


If you have any doubts , or want to share something please let me know.